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Dunollie Volunteer Groups

Dunollie is gradually beginning to welcome volunteer groups back on site after the Covid-19 pandemic.

If you are interested in any of the volunteering opportunities listed below (or would like to enquire about an alternative volunteering experience, please do get in touch with to register your interest. 

Visitor Services 


Volunteers can join us to share the fascinating history of Dunollie and meet visitors from all over the world through Visitor Assistant opportunities in the 1745 House Museum. 

Garden Group - Grounds & Maintenance


Dunollie’s grounds offer plenty of opportunities for budding gardeners such as weeding of invasive species, planting and growing, tree thinking, shredding, path maintenance, pond clearing and caring for our willow structure. 

Threads & Yarns


The Threads & Yarns Group enables craft enthusiasts to get together to share their creative skills and talents. The group meets weekly to make items inspired by our collections to be sold in The Draper’s Gift Shop.


The group also works to create protective items to help preserve our ancient textile collection. 


We welcome those who have never attempted sewing before to those who have had years of practise. Come along and enjoy a cup of tea and some sewing fun! 

The Archive Group - Collections Management

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The Archive Group carefully catalogue and record all of the written documentation at Dunollie, this is an important role with which great care must be taken. 


It is unusual for a museum to allow volunteers to handle such documentation, however Dunollie feels that such skills can be valuable for individuals with a keen interest in the area. 


Full training will be provided and a probationary period is required. 

The Curatorial Group - Collections Management


The Curatorial Group is responsible for the safe care of the objects within Dunollie. This can range from delicate object handling to emptying the dehumidifiers, taking part in specific object maintenance programme and ensuring correct conditions are maintained. 


Full training will be provided and a probationary period would be required. 

The Weaving Group


Dunollie Weavers meeting every Monday in the Weaving Shed to work on our recently reconstructed full size pattern weaving loom. Throughout the season, they give demonstrations to visitors and are working on a special Tapestry Project. 


No experience is required, just an eagerness to learn. 

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